Bookland Passport
The Bookland Passport
Issued by Typewronger books in Edinburgh, this is your passport to, from, in and out of indie bookshops around the world!
Get it stamped, signed, or whatever you like, wherever you find an independent bookshop!
Riso printed and beautifully illustrated
All about Bookland:
Bookland is a country you reach through reading, through talking about books with your friends, and through hanging out in your local bookshop. Though we issue passports for Bookland, the territory it encompasses spans the entire known world, plus quite a few as yet unexplored dimensions, and also exists across the totality of the Temporal Realm. Bookland’s National Motto is LIBRI SINE TERMINO, which can translate two ways, either as “Books Without Borders” or “Books Without End”. All indie bookshops are unofficial Embassies of Bookland, and any can become an Official Embassy simply by issuing passports which can be supplied by emailing the mysterious Secretary to the Grand High Ambassador of Bookland. Citizens of Bookland don’t need documentation to prove their status… but it sure is fun!
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