The Team: Sasha, Terry, Charlotte, Jorge, Daniela
Desperate Literature is a joint project between Charlotte Delattre and Terry Craven, and originally co-founded along with Corey Eastwood and Craig Walzer.
We’re currently joined by our marvellous staff: Jorge Domingo Moron, Sasha Heider, Gloria Lizana Iglesias & Daniela Ruiz Moreno.
Desperate Literature is an international bookshop in Madrid, Spain. Along with the very best collection of used English books in the city, the shop also carries a large selection of quality books in Spanish, French and a variety of other languages.
With a focus on fiction, poetry, noir, sci-fi and belles-lettres, the store also maintains sections (in our three major languages) in philosophy, history, art, science, sociology, film, music and eastern religion. Of course, we also have a children’s section for young readers looking to further explore their mother tongue or learn a new one.
Desperate Literature strives to be a space where good literature serves as a vehicle for dynamic cultural, linguistic and social exchange between Madrileños, extranjeros and travellers from around the world.
In this spirit we host readings, meetings, gallery shows, lectures, and run an international literary prize for short fiction.
We’re open every day 11h00 – 14h30 & 16h30 – 21h00 (Winter hours). We’re not on the internet that often, but we check email often enough. Better yet, please stop by the shop and say hi or give us a call at +34 911 88 80 89.
We sell books. Real books. Desperate ones. Paper and glue.
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