The terribly hard to find first edition of Journal du Voleur, here no. 377 of 400, signed by Genet upon the request of Jean-Paul Sartre in his petition to free Genet from jail!
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“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”
Jorge Luis Borges
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The President Shop

The Raffle / Sorteo
Literature???? SORTEO de VERANO ???? ???? THE SUMMER RAFFLE ????
En nuestro sorteo de verano podrás ganar una copia firmada de Nuestra parte de la noche una libreta de DESPERATE LITERATURE y un totebag de tela para llevarlos contigo!
€2/billete Fecha limite: 1 de septiembre Envío Internacional por correos incluido*
"La herencia, el deseo de pervivir, la paternidad, el horror, lo íntimo y lo político. Una novela libre y osada, hechizante y genial."
For our summer raffle you can win a signed copy of Nuestra parte de la noche a DESPERATE LITERATURE notebook and a totebag to carry it all about!
€2/ticket End date: September 1st Worldwide shipping by post included*
*shipping is uninsured and untracked (though you can pay for tracking!) available wherever the Spanish correos can ship! THE WINNER Elena Espada

El general en su laberinto
Gabriel García Márquez
GIFTS, Literature, Rare items