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  • 8.00

    The Desperate Literature Notebook

    Our notebook is finally out Oxblood red lines with a blindstamped cover 120 pages
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    ‘Another Valentine’
    Entradas | Tickets

    El 18 de Febrero Entradas Limitadas | Limited Tickets - 25

    €1 con billete para el sorteo | €1 with raffle ticket*

    Invitamos a Martha Sprackland, Kwaku Osei-Afrifa, Joe Dunthorne y Rodrigo García Marina para una lectura de San Valentín extramundana | We invite Martha Sprackland, Kwaku Osei-Afrifa, Joe Dunthorne and Rodrigo García Marina for an other-worldly Valentine's reading
    mascarilla obligatoria mask obligatory *THE RAFFLE: Win feedback on three poems or a single short story (English ONLY)
    Saber más:
    Joe Dunthorne was born and brought up in Swansea. His debut novel, Submarine, was translated into twenty languages and made into an award-winning film. His second novel, Wild Abandon, won the Society of Authors’ Encore Award. His latest is The Adulterants. His first collection of poems, O Positive, was published by Faber & Faber in 2019. He lives in London. Rodrigo García Marina estudió el Conservatorio Profesional de Viola, el Grado en Medicina y en Filosofía. Acaba de realizar el Máster en Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura. Ha publicado La caricia de las amapolas, Premio de Poesía Saulo Torón 2017, Aureus, I Premio de Poesía Irreconciliables, Edad, I Premio de Poesía Tino Barriuso, El libro de los arquitectos, II Premio de Poesía de la Facultad de Filología de la UNED, y Desear la casa. Investiga, edita y enseña. Kwaku Osei-Afrifa is a nonbinary writer and editor living in east London. A novella is coming out in June this year with Solaris, and they will start writing part two when the time is right. Martha Sprackland is the founder of Offord Road Books and poetry editor for CHEERIO Publishing. Her debut collection, Citadel, was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and the Costa Poetry Prize.
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    El 23 de Febrero Entradas Limitadas - 20*

    Gratuita | con un descuento de 5% en compras anticipadas

    Invitamos a Esther García Llovet a presentar su nueva obra, Spanish Beauty (Anagrama), en conversación con Lucía Lijtmaer, autora de Ofendiditos (Anagrama).
    *mascarilla obligatoria Saber más sobre Spanish Beauty: «Su estilo es de cuchilla de afeitar» (Laura Fernández) «Excelente narradora... Brillante» (Alberto Olmos) «Nos gusta mucho García Llovet, y nos gusta su estilo, su poética... Autora de culto» (Sara Mesa) «Una exquisita rara avis... Esta autora cuestiona cada código, cada imagen, cada palabra... Estupenda» (Marta Sanz) Si en sus novelas de la Trilogía instantánea de Madrid (Cómo dejar de escribir, Sánchez y Gordo de feria) Esther García Llovet construyó una ciudad nocturna, marginal y casi surreal, en esta Spanish Beauty, la primera entrega de la Trilogía de los países del Este, nos ofrece un Benidorm plagado de mafiosos ingleses, rusos millonarios, billares cutres de sótano y rascacielos a medio construir: una ciudad en la que manda Michela, la policía corrupta que necesita a toda costa recuperar un mechero que perteneció a los legendarios Kray Twins del Londres de los sesenta.
  • 2.5011.00

    ‘Eleven Stories 2021’

    Eleven Stories 2021 collects the shortlist from our fourth short fiction prize and is available in either:
    PDF - €2.50 PRINT - €11 / a limited edition copy, numbered and stamped by our fine selves // OUT NOW

    ‘I loved reading the shortlist selection which realizes the Desperate Literature team’s ambition to reimagine and diversify contemporary writing. The stories represented are inquisitive, irreverential, critical, and fully committed to their respective creative projects. I’ve never been more hopeful for the future of fiction, and the Desperate Literature Prize plays no small part in this.’ — Isabel Waidner, 2021 Judge

    Here's what the magnificent Rachel Cusk and Niven Govinden have to say about our 2020 selection:
    ‘I thoroughly enjoyed reading these submissions, which surprised me with their honest poise, their integrity, and their understated adherence to the values of literature. In the hands of some of these writers, the story form was brought to bear on the modern scene in new and astute ways.’ – Rachel Cusk ‘I was bowled over by the power, inquiry, and humour of these stories. They shine brightly in the mind after reading.’ – Niven Govinden  
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    Minor Detail
    by Adania Shibli
    Book of the Month
    JUNE 2021

    BOOK-OF-THE-MONTH selection JUNE 2021: For our June selection, we have picked Minor Detail, and will be donating €2 from each sale to the Go Fund Me page helping to rebuild the Samir Mansour Book Store in Gaza, destroyed in recent airstrikes. -- ‘Though Minor Detail initially promises to be a kind of counterhistory or whodunit—a rescue of the victim’s story from military courts and Israeli newspapers–it turns out to be something stranger and bleaker. Rather than a discovery of hidden truths, or a search for justice, it is a meditation on the repetitions of history, the past as a recurring trauma ... For Shibli, the emblematic experience of occupation is the longue duree of ennui and isolation rather than a dramatic moment of crisis.’ — New York Review of Books Minor Detail begins during the summer of 1949, one year after the war that the Palestinians mourn as the Nakba – the catastrophe that led to the displacement and expulsion of more than 700,000 people – and the Israelis celebrate as the War of Independence. Israeli soldiers capture and rape a young Palestinian woman, and kill and bury her in the sand. Many years later, a woman in Ramallah becomes fascinated to the point of obsession with this ‘minor detail’ of history. A haunting meditation on war, violence and memory, Minor Detail cuts to the heart of the Palestinian experience of dispossession, life under occupation, and the persistent difficulty of piecing together a narrative in the face of ongoing erasure and disempowerment. Times Books of the Year 2020